Colorado Springs Senior Portrait Photography Garden of the Gods
Colorado Springs Senior Portrait Photography Garden of the Gods ~ Oh how I love photographing at the Garden of the Gods. The light is always changing and the colors so vibrant. This is Belle, a 2019 Senior. She traveled to Colorado with her family so she could have photos in the great city of Colorado Springs. Enjoy these and if you are looking to book your 2019 Senior portraits, contact us for specials and dates open! Colorado Springs Senior Portrait Photography Garden of the Gods
Colorado Springs Senior Portrait Photography Garden of the Gods
Colorado Springs Senior Portrait Photography Garden of the Gods
Colorado Springs Senior Portrait Photography Garden of the Gods
Colorado Springs Senior Portrait Photography Garden of the Gods
Colorado Springs Senior Portrait Photography Garden of the Gods
Colorado Springs Senior Portrait Photography Garden of the Gods
Colorado Springs Wedding Photographer colorado springs wedding photographer Colorado Springs Wedding Photography colorado springs wedding photography
Colorado Springs Wedding Photographer
Wedding Photography ReviewsEstes Park Wedding Photography Colorado Springs Wedding Photographer Rocky Mountain Wedding Photography Colorado Springs and Denver
Photographing weddings in Colorado is such a unique experience. As photographers we often have to create a background out of what we get. Photographing weddings in the Rocky Mountains is completely different. The backgrounds are all around us. This allows more creativity with emotion and concept on a fast pace wedding day. Colorado Springs is where we are based, but over the past 15 years we have photographed all over the United States and Mexico as well as all over Colorado. The beauty of the job is that every wedding is different and as a photographer that keeps it fresh and that’s what our bride and grooms want! Fresh